It’s all in the tube

The new era of residential living calls for brand new recycling solutions. At Kalasatama, there is a new, innovative pipeline-based waste collection system which introduces hi-tech into waste management on an unprecedented scale.

Using an underground pipe network, waste travels to the waste collection station in a flash. Trucks gather the waste and transport it onwards – waste is utilized as recycled material, incinerated for energy or converted into biogas.

The effect on residents’ every-day living comfort is clear. The traditional waste bins disappear from the yard and the truck traffic in the vicinity of the houses is reduced considerably. The system is easy to use, safe and silent to operate.

But how does it work, then? The waste collection points are usually located in connection to the exits in each block. The residents sort out the waste – mixed waste, biowaste, paper, cardboard and plastic packaging – and take them to the appropriate waste collection point. That’s all one needs to do – the waste collection points empty themselves, automatically. Zooooom – traveling at 70 km/h, the waste is whisked away to the waste collection station to their designated waste containers. Trucks pick up the full containers from the station and transport the waste for further processing.

We can sort it out!

Sorting out the waste - the right way - is the key. There are five separate waste point - don`t get them mixed up! Don`t worry, common sense is really the only tool needed here. Here`s your quick guide to a greener tomorrow - pretty soon you`ll be a recycling champion!

Take care of the tube

According to Finnish legislation on waste management, biowaste and mixed waste must be placed in a bag. Biowaste must have its own, biodegradable bag; mixed waste can be placed in e.g. regular grocery store plastic bags. The plastic packages should also be placed in a plastic bag.

The waste hatch will only accommodate one bag (with a size of no more than 20 liters) at a time. You can not place any long or large items in the system; they belong in the sorting room.

You CAN NOT place any of the following items/materials in the tube
mattresses, Christmas trees, clothes, ice hockey sticks, folders, tree branches, corrugated board, pans, polystyrene, microwave ovens, toasters and other devices/appliances and hazardous waste.





The Sortti Stations (HSY)

Pick-up Sortti is a collection service for larger waste items produced by households.

Kalasatama waste points

Kalasatamankatu 28, 00580 Helsinki

Hermannin rantatie 23, 00580 Helsinki

Vanha talvitie 33, 00580 Helsinki

Konttinosturinkuja 4, 00540 Helsinki

Nihdinranta 2, Nihti, Sompasaari, 00540, Suomi

Polariksenkatu 7, 00540 Helsinki

Arcturuksenkatu 3, 00540 Helsinki

Flöitti Dianan kuja, Sompasaari

Aallonhalkoja 1 00540 Helsinki

HOAS Vanha talvitie 23, Verkkosaari

Jääkairankuja, Verkkosaari, Kalasatama

Capellan puistotie, Verkkosaari, Kalasatama

Kalasatamankatu, Verkkosaari, Kalasatama

Verkkosaarenkatu, Verkkosaari, Kalasatama

Tukkutorinkuja, Verkkosaari, Kalasatama

Verkkosaarenranta, Verkkosaari, Kalasatama, 00580 Suomi

Vinsentinkatu, Nihti, Sompasaari, 00540, Suomi

Johannanpolku, Nihti, Sompasaari, 00540 Suomi

Kaljaasi Fortunan katu 4, 00540 Helsinki

Asunto Oy Helsingin Vinsentinaukio 4

Asunto Oy Sompasaaren Priki

Asunto Oy Helsingin Sumppari

Kaljaasi Auroran kuja, Helsinki, Etelä-Suomi, Suomi

Verkkosaarenkatu, Helsinki, Etelä-Suomi, Suomi

Tukkutorinkuja, Helsinki, Etelä-Suomi, Suomi

As Oy Sompasaaren Pooki, Helsinki, Etelä-Suomi, Suomi

Kapteeni Sundmanin katu 1, Helsinki, Etelä-Suomi, Suomi

As Oy Helsingin Fiskari, Junonkatu 8, Helsinki, Etelä-Suomi, Suomi

As Oy Kalasataman Fregatti, Capellan puistotie 2, Helsinki, Etelä-Suomi, Suomi

Leonkatu 21, 00540 Helsinki, Suomi

Polariksenkatu 5, 00540 Helsinki, Suomi

Antareksenkatu 2, 00540 Helsinki

Polariksenkatu 21, 00540 Helsinki, Suomi

Arcturuksenkatu 23, 00540 Helsinki, Suomi

00540 Helsinki, Suomi

00540 Helsinki, Suomi

Antareksenkatu 1, 00540 Helsink

Antareksenkatu 4 A, 00540 Helsinki

Capellan Puistotie 3-5, 00540 Helsinki

Capellan puistotie 7, 00540 Helsinki, Suomi

Leonkatu 18, 00540 Helsinki, Suomi

Capellan puistotie 12, 00540 Helsinki, Suomi